Guidance.... given for a newbie gay :)
Hmmm.. today i saw a status message of 23 year old guy.. which was like this...
"guys m new guide me..i need guidance"
I replied him as below... any suggestion...
guidance for what dude.... its upto u.. i wud suggest you to be little cautious... but then again its ur choice... to be cautious or not..
generally ppl dont distribute their phone numbers to all... be discretionary on that..
have heard a lot about ppl coming to ur place and picking things up.. so dont ever take anybody to your house if u have not been chatting with him since long.
u r 23.. if u r mature enough to realise ur sexuality.. u r mature enough to judge people as well.
ENJOY SEX :) and ENJOY being gay..
all the best.. for this adventurous journey with lots of ups and downs...
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