Aggression on Bed

I met one of my gay friends after a long time, almost six months. Last i met him in the month of december 08, when we had sex.

This time, when we met, there was something a miss. I still didnt ask him anything but then he told me, that last time, when we had sex he felt hurt. It was more of physical hurt. I was too harsh with him during the act.

Now i know this friend, since last four years and we do have sex off and on. But he never complained me such. He said that i bit him too hard, and he felt aggression in me which was not called for.

I was not able to understand, why he felt so. I was just normal. But then I thought again.. and again... I think he is right, there can be few reasons for being aggressive on bed.

1. I am not getting enough sex and which is making me aggressive.
2. I am hurt emotionally, and thats why i am showing aggression during sex.

I was not able to find any other reason apart from two mentioned above for my aggression. I think i really need to have sex often... so that i should not hurt people while having sex.


rather... I think that your lack of emotional and sexual outlets has more to do with aggressive sex... you need to know affection.

Why are you "biting" someone you are having sex with? Isn't that a bit harsh? Also, I hope I don't sound like a "prude" but why would you have sex with a "friend" if he is "a friend" and not more?

I think you are right.. Its more to do with oppressive emotions, which make me more aggressive.

Hmmm.. I am ok to have sex with a friend. whats the harm in it? I like biting, its my style in sex.. every body has its own style. I have met people, who love giving love bites to people..

Everybody has its own style of sex. Nothing is right or wrong in Sex. Thats what i think..

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