Ten Reasons why he just stopped talking !

Why he just stopped talking ???

Don't you think, this seems line which we all can identify with. But why? Why this happens..
 Feel free to add more....

1. Its a waste of time to talk any more. No benefit.. neither sex.. nor emotional bonding.
2. He has taken advantage of me, I loved him so much... and he just used me for physical pleasure.

3. We just grew apart. Some how we both don't feel the need to talk to each other.

4. When i talk to him, i miss all the good times we spent together. Lets stop talking.. and save myself from this hurt.

5. I got to know, that he is not only talking to me, but also with ten other guys. Its better to give him time for other nine guys.

6. Everytime I talk to him, he asks me favours - monetary as well as others.

7. I miss him too much, but my ego doesnt let me talk to him.

8. Why should i talk to him, what has he given me till date...except hurt..

9. I miss him so much.. if i talk to him.. i will miss him more.

10. He doesnt understand me.. its better stop talking...


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